About Leglessbird

Leglessbird: Fly beyond dreams
Leglessbird Guiding Principles
  • Value Health 珍惜健康
  • Experience Life 体驗生活
  • Pursue Knowledge 追求知識
  • Respect Environment 尊重環境
  • Help and Inspire Others 幫助和啟發他人
Our Vision
To be the preferred social and service platform for the community of people who support the Leglessbird Guiding Principles
Our Core Values and Beliefs
We believe in
  • Balanced healthy lifestyle
  • Positive impact
  • Self-improvement
  • Unlimited potential
  • Global prospective
  • Helping others is the source of happiness
Our Mission
Create online and offline platforms to provide attractive contents and social services in selected interest areas to the Leglessbird community

What does Leglessbird mean?

Leglessbird means a bird with no leg
"我聽人講呢個世界有種雀仔冇腳嘅,佢只可以一直咁飛呀飛,飛到攰嗰陣就喺風入面瞓覺,呢種雀仔一世只可以落地一次,嗰次就係佢死嘅時候。" ("There is a kind of bird that has no leg, it must keep flying and flying, when it is tired it sleeps in the wind. It only lands once and that's the day it dies.") - Leslie Cheung ( 張國榮 ) in a Wong Kar Wai( 王家衛 ) movie called "Days of being wild " ( 阿飛正傳 ).
I quite like the idea of keep flying and flying to see what's out there in the world, "never stop" being fascinated about new things, make everyday count!
Leglessbird is about "never ending" pursue of healthy balanced lifestyle. Leglessbird is a platform for the other "Leglessbirds" out there who agree with the principles below to meet each other to share their experience, joy and fascination of life. In doing so, we hope to inspire more people to pursue the same lifestyle.